To be more specific, it is to inspire humanity to read one book per month per person.

One book… Per month… Per person…

It sounds audacious to me. And that is all I need for now. Just an audacious-sounding goal.

To be honest, I didn’t check the numbers. And I hope it has not been achieved yet. Otherwise that would mean my idea doesn’t work, and my cool plan immediately becomes obsolete. Selfish. But hey, at least it’s human. Difficult to find these days.

But what about summaries?

Book summary concept nowadays has become much more than a naive attempt to reduce the entire content into a list of nuggets. It is now stripping away the opportunity for readers to invest in themselves along time, to find solitude and to grow deeper into one’s own self. Any book summary platform is an inferior productization to exploit the good will of individuals to read.

One More Thing…

Here’s the catch to reading: to increase time spent on reading is only half of the story. You also need to produce some kind of output, and establish some form of input-to-output loop. And you literally spend at least as much time you spend on reading for producing some sort of output as well. And when finally you spot a market demand for what you produce out of what you consume! You will just have found your own minimum viable gold mine!

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