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  • I’ll be streaming our reading together session today at 19:00 GMT+3. Grab your book and let’s read together.
    • I am also thinking of a few atomic improvements to enrich the experience of reading together gatherings on our YouTube harbor. Feel free to suggest what you would like to see there. One idea that I consider is to comment on the pages I just read during the 5-minute breaks, and spark some fresh conversation. (Though for now there’s only me, so practically it would be a monologue.)

Back on Track

Yesterday was the first day with the well-known biography of Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson.

I decided to insist on reading more biographies this year, despite the shiny object syndromesque feeling that is triggered when you get exposed to those colorful covers and seductive taglines of non-fictions.

I already know quite a lot about Jobs, and I even see similarities between some of the sharp edges of his character and mine, according to what’s been said by those who know him personally and worked with him in the past. And that’s why for a long time I was not quite sure whether I should be reading a proper book about him all this time, for I thought I might get affected without being aware of it. It is those times when you yourself are free-floating aimlessly in the first-reality that you could easily be pulled towards egoic tunnels and lose yourself there. But now I see that in the past three years I already have developed some strong roots in my own character, getting me become much more grounded in what I intend to realize. Therefore, getting exposed to such extreme personalities can only help me now.

New Routines

In order to bend the reality, you have to throw punches at it at the level of doing consistently.

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