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January 6th, 2024

  • We will be doing our 2-hour live reading session at 8pm GMT+3 as usual. Grab a book, and make the sessions an excuse to read a couple pages each day.
    • Idea I am thinking of doing 2 sessions with fixed hours, to make the reading sessions reach a wider audience globally, one in the morning and the other one in the evening. Soon, I’ll be informing you about the updated schedule.
  • I will be reading something

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As I think more about Read365, I come up with some neighbouring ideas that, I would say, lie on a wide spectrum of madness. One of which though, recently started to make more and more sense to me, even though its madness rating is quite high:

What if we’d make up a grand list of books that’s able to introduce a high school student a variety of hard and soft skills effectively, and give the list a name, like School365? In fact, any autodidact that wants to start their own business, yet lacks the tacit entrepreneurial knowledge that’s only inherited, could benefit that list granted the list is a well-curated one. What’s more, there could be a community of people that constantly votes for books to update them

If we could have such a collectively curated, evolving and self-updating list of books that we could place in any school library, we could effectively help students discover new domains by following their curiosity.

The earlier someone gets exposed to a variety of paths and discovers the right path to follow, the more impactful the compound effect of their contributions to humanity for the rest of their lives.

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