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January 2nd, 2024

The Plan

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Why did I start the marathon with the book Atomic Habits?

Even though I’ve read many articles by James Clear and read most of his book some years ago, I’ve not actually find the chance to finish it. I notice this pattern of myself not only in book reading, but in consuming any type of content that would take relatively long time to finish. I don’t know the end of many popular tv series. I’ve left many good fiction series unfinished. I didn’t even watch the last couple seasons of my favourite series of all time, Seinfeld.

But the reason of choosing the book is different. I already know that, to be able to finish 365 books in a year while working full-time demands a completely new set of behaviors, that are aligned with a future self-image you intend to become. Which means, I must master how to regulate my own behaviors, habits and routines as soon as possible.

PS: Reading a book alone definitely will have almost no impact on your own life, unless you put the work to experiment with it in your own life. Remember, your life’s a laboratory. Allow yourself to break things for the sake of finding the truth.

Cause and Effect

No change happens in a vacuum. Whenever you want to make a change in your own life, expect it to have an impact on what remains outside of it. To put it in a context, reading a book a day on average requires you to spend 5-6 hours on reading every day. And there’s also the documentation and the implementation of those books. But here’s the catch: you cannot expect spending one third of your day on something and expect it to not affect the rest of your day. You’ll have to regulate also what’s outside of those hours, in order to attain consistency. And that demands a deep identity level change.

And here’s the implicit hypothesis of reading 365 books in 365 days: I am going to become a completely different person, not just because of the books I read, but because the very act of reading 365 books demands me to undergo a deep identity level change.

See you on the other side.

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