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I just happened to produce a report of January. Just visit there after reading this one.

It always fascinates me whenever I drop a lenghty post here that I didn’t even promise, while failing to keep the actual promises of the project (Yep, the newsletter).


January is gone. You should forget her. Yep, Jan is a she.

Then what should you expect from Read365 during the second month of the year?

Actual meat. Finally coming. I’ve already gained a bit momentum as I wrote these daily journal entries. My plan is to gradually decrease the frequency of these and spend more time on weaving the actual web of wisdom.

You should’ve seen the node graph on the website. That’s called a knowledge graph, or a digital garden, terms that became popular with personal knowledge management tools and text editors. Well, now you just know the concepts that will lead you to one of the deepest rabbit holes on the internet. I hope you survive. Good luck!

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